Butchertown, KY
Archive for October, 2015
Patrick Allen Rousey
Oct 9th
Posted by barbara in Obituaries
The Rousey family has lost its strongest advocate in Patrick Allen Rousey. He passed away on September 2nd 2015. He was the son of Loyd and Tina Rousey. His life long partner and wife, Mildred survives. He is also survived by children Tony Rousey, Sherry Rousey Anderson, Kenny Rousey and Judy Rousey Lane. His work on the geneology of this family resulted in a treasured family history book and an intricate family tree drawing that includes thousands of names. He inspired the tradition of having the Big Rousey Reunion at the Butchertown, Kentucky cabin/farm every four years since 1984. His handiwork decorates the cabin area. We have all been blessed to have been touched by his life. His work will be a treasure for future generations of Rouseys.